The Answer Fitness ,Total Body Workout for Weight Machines

The Answer Fitness 60 Minute Total Body Workout for Weight Machines
A few comments on this workout.
I’ve built this workout to mimic a free-weight total Gym and fitness body workout as closely as possible, but with machines instead of dumbbells or barbells. 
One of the challenges of adapting a total body workout to weight machines is that in some cases, there just isn’t enough variety in weight machines available to perform a different exercise for each muscle group in each successive workout. This is especially true for shoulders, biceps and triceps, since many gyms will only have one type of machine available for these muscle groups. For some variation, you can experiment around with changing your hand positioning on the grips to emphasize the muscle differently.
To solve the variety issue, I’ve included a fair amount of cable machines, because they do a pretty good job at replicating some of the balance and coordination benefits of Gym and fitness free weights.

Rather than assume that your gym has all of the cable machines necessary to perform these exercises, I’ll assume that they don’t. For this reason, I’ve tried (whenever possible) to provide an alternative machine exercise for each cable variety. Simply substitute this for the cable exercise (make sure NOT to do it in addition to the cable exercise.) In some cases there just isn’t a good substitute, so you may find yourself repeating the use of certain machines (especially for arms and triceps.) It’s not ideal, but it will work in a pinch Gym and fitness.

Also, I’m a big fan of pull-ups and dips and included them in this workout, even though the technically aren’t machine exercises, but body weight exercises.  Performing them will require that you have a pull-up/dip station or pull-up bar available at your gym. If not Gym and fitness, I’ve included some alternatives, although I would highly recommend the bodyweight versions if you have the equipment. If you can’t perform a pull-up or chin up on your own, use the weight assist available on a pull-up/dip station or have someone spot and assist you until you can do a few on your own.
You’ll also find the Smith Machine in this workout. While I think the Smith is generally overused in the gym, it can be effectively used as a substitute for barbell Gym and fitness squats and lunges. That’s the only place you’ll see me recommend it in this workout.

Finally, if you find that you are having difficulties getting through this workout in under 60 minutes, you can break out the ab and lower back work and perform them on an in-between day. Performing cardio on in-between days can be a nice one-two punch for fat burning, so if it’s more convenient for you to do your ab and lower-back work on cardio days, feel free to do so.

Unless otherwise indicated, for all exercises use a weight that causes you to “fail” between 8-10 reps per set. Perform 5 minutes of light cardio and stretching Gym and fitness prior to the routine. Also, you can perform one light-weight warm-up set (not reflected in the sets in the routine below), and three working sets for each exercises.

NOTE: If you’re not sure what all of these machines are, check out the visual guide to common gym weight machines I’ve put together.

Workout #1 (Day One) Exercises
Chest Press Machine: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Pull Ups (Can be performed on a pull-up station with assist or a traditional pull-up bar): Perform as many pull-ups as you can for 3 sets.
(Substitute Exercise: Cable or Lat Machine Pulldowns)
Seated Overhead Shoulder Press Machine: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Seated Leg Press Machine: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Seated Calf Raise Machine: 15 Reps for 3 Sets
Bicep Curl Machine: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Tricep Pressdown Machine: Perform as Gym and fitness many dips as you can for 3 sets.*
Back Extensions (performed on 45 degree back extension bench): One Set of 15**
Swiss/Stability Ball Ab Crunches: 20-25***

Rest and Recover for at least 48 hours. 

Workout #2 (Day Two) Exercises

Dips: Perform as many reps as possible for 3 sets*
Cable Rows: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
(Substitute Exercise: Seated Machine Rows)
Cable Front Shoulder Raises: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Smith Machine Squats: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises: 15 Reps for 3 Sets
Cable Bicep Curls: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Cable Tricep Pressdown:  8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Back Extensions (performed on 45 degree back extension bench): One Set of 15**
Hanging Leg Raises/Roman Chair (Abs): Perform as many as you can for 3 sets***

Rest and Recover for at least 48 hours.

Workout #3 (Day Three) Exercises

Pec Deck Machine: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Lat Cable Pulldown: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
(Substitute Exercise: Lat Pulldown Machine)
Cable Side Shoulder Raises: 8-10 Reps for Gym and fitness 3 Sets
Smith Machine Lunges: 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Seated Calf Press (Performed on Leg Press Machine): 15 Reps for 3 Sets
Reverse Bicep Curl Machine (Palms down): 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Cable Press Downs (performed with palms up on the bar) 8-10 Reps for 3 Sets
Back Extensions (performed on 45 degree back extension bench): One set of 15 **
V-Crunches/Jack-Knife Sit Up (Abs): Perform as many as you can for 3 sets.*** 

*  As it becomes easier to perform dips with your body weight, add additional resistance by holding a light dumbbell between your feet (in the case of parallel bar dips), or have someone place a light plate across your legs on bench dips Gym and fitness.

** Increase resistance on back extensions by holding a light plate or dumbbell over your chest during the movement.

*** Increase resistance progressively during ab crunches by holding a plate or dumbbell across your chest. For hanging leg raises/Roman Chair leg raises or V Crunches, place a light dumbbell between your feet.

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