Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help you lose weight.

Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help you lose weight.

This myth dates back to the 1940s when researchers calculated that 2 litres was how much water someone’s body used in 24 hours. However, the researchers also said (and this gets ignored) that we obtain much of the water we need each day from our food. Drinks such as coffee and tea also count, despite what many people believe.

Drinking eight glasses of water a day could help you lose weight if you drink it very cold. Drinking ice-cold water burns through a few calories simply because you have to raise that water to body temperature. Drinking lots of water will also mean you have to get up from your chair more often to go to the loo, which has to be a good thing.

Water can help you lose weight, if it comes in the form of soup. If you drink water with your meal (a bit of chicken and a few vegetables) then the food will be kept in your stomach for digestive juice to do their bit, but the water passes straight through the stomach and into the intestines, where it is absorbed. Drinking water has very little effect on how hungry you feel a couple of hours later.

Ultrasound and MRI studies have shown, however, that if you take the chicken and vegetables and blend them with the water then the stomach will stay fuller for longer, staving off hunger pangs.

In head to head comparison studies, volunteers eating soup reported feeling full for up to an hour-and-a-half longer than when they ate the same calories, but consumed as food and water. 


Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help you lose weight.
Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help you lose weight.
Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help you lose weight.

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