Exercise and Diet Tricks to Control Diabetes

Small goals make a big difference

I think goals have to be small and well spelled out for people. Everyone has the experience of going to a health practitioner and being told something vague: 'You know, you really ought to lose weight.' What does that mean? Goals need to be broken down into small nuts and bolts,

First step: See where you stand now

we suggests that you stop and look at your eating and exercise habits, and figure out what will be the easiest changes to make, rather than making huge changes that are tough to sustain.

" Diabetes is a marathon, not a sprint, "

Keep a record of your physical activity

Most people overestimate how much exercise they get. If you write it down, you'll have an honest appraisal of where you're starting.

Bring your own lunch

Avoid eating lunch at restaurants or fast-food joints. Restaurant meals "can go out of control easily," Savoca says. They tend to have large portions, lots of calories, and high amounts of fat. Research has found an association between eating out more and having a higher body weight.

When you make your own lunch, you control the ingredients and your portion sizes. If making your own lunch every day is too much, you might want to try twice a week to start.

Change your daily routine

Instead of stopping for a fat-filled latte on the way to work, have a cup of coffee with low-fat milk and a low-fat granola bar.

Make healthier choices when you go to restaurants

For example, at McDonald's, a diabetes-friendly choice might be a salad with grilled chicken and low-fat dressing. "What's important is for people to be able to problem-solve," Savoca says. "People probably have a lot of the answers; it's just that it takes a little time to come up with them and make them their own."

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